Cylob Industries CSR 005 M : Cylob : Late In The Day
You can get it here - the password is "luscious2". You don't need to pay anything in order to access this release, but if you would like to donate towards my equipment costs, you can do so here. It will also appear on the usual digital music sites soon.
*** UPDATE: I've had a few donations already, which is amazing, thankyou very much. I would be happy to personally mail everyone who does so, however, I have to bear in mind that it could be perceived as a bit invasive. Still, you can take my appreciation for granted.
*** UPDATE 2: I have added an .html section to the download, with my web page links and the paypal button. You may distribute this wherever you like, but please include those files if you do so. Thanks!
Thanks so much Chris, I've just got to clear my overdraft and then i'll send some spends your way.
hi dan, don't get into debt on my behalf! buy a beer instead (or some crack, i don't know, whatever you're in to ?!)
Super feking dooper Chris!... Top quality as always... Defo gonna donate. Cheers _Chris_
The debt is already there Chris just got to get back in Credit. I get paid Friday so will be sorted then. I'll send you a few bob and have my pint and rock while listening to "late in the day" Thanks again.
Love the new EP - donated :)
thanks so much Chris! Will donate as soon as i can
cheers chris, good stuff!
temple clap is my fave. cheers chris.
Hey Chris,
Sounds great, thanks for this. Hope all is well with you and catch up soon.
Gave what I could, sorry the conversion rates are so poor here in Canada. Take care Cylob, your sounds are much appreciated.
i like the feel of the grasshopper
Donation sent to you, my friend. Thanks so much for your excellent music. When is Formant Potaton 2 coming out?!?! ;)
thank you. I buy your records! thanks thanks thanks.
This is the URL of a website charging for the download of your album which you are giving away for free.
This may seem like a blatantly ridiculous question, but; are you aware of this?
hi tractern,
yes i'm aware of boomkat selling the release - i sent it to them! it might seem strange to you, but selling mp3s still means that they become available for people to download without paying - at least when i post the link myself, i can see how many downloads there have been.
i think it's useful having my music on as many sites as possible, even as just a calling card. i didn't say anything about the e.p. being "free" - i just said it was accessible without paying anything.
while i'm on the subject, it's also worth saying that every donation, whatever the size, makes a big difference to my ability to continue concentrating on making music and makes further releases more likely.
thanks for the great tunes!!!
thanks for this beautiful+exciting+emotional+ futuristic music!
(a strasbourg listener..)
Downloaded/donated. Thanks for keeping the braindance alive
I download you, now you download me.
Scroll to the bottom and get the happiest music I've ever made...
It's called "Attachments" and it's by Ibrahim. A nice bloke!
I checked my fridge and I'm out of bread. I have to go shopping now!
Good EP Mr. Cylob. Refreshing sounds and groovy grooves. Keep it up, greetings from Poland.
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